
Showing posts from May, 2015

The beauty of the neoclassical garden of English style

  In the neoclassical Garden of English type, we find a design that introduces the concept of the idyllic. It includes a varied number of romantic elements with tortuous paths. They are preserved the natural characteristics of the terrain, to enhance its natural beauty. Also participate in the decoration architectural elements, sculptures, lakes, ponds, small palaces and spaces that keep the taste of the idyllic.  Walk in a neoclassical garden is a pleasure which have few words that can describe it. Penetrate in a green space with such refined architecture is a real luxury for those who appreciate the Nature in its different forms of expression. On our way through this magnificent space we are attracted by the sound of the tinkling water, which gushing from magnificent taps, resting on pillars and lakes, providing serenity and constant energy to the one who contemplates it and unavoidably wets his hands in the water of clean and clear voice. And the green which surrounds its ...

Figure of the Allegory of Winter. 46,5cm

Figure of the Allegory of Winter. 46,5cm   The works of Houdon were devoid of the formalistic and cold distance of Canova. They kept the tempered grace of the previous classicism, and they knew make use of a noble realism, as we can see in this nearly half meter high Allegory of Winter. Here you can buy the piece: 

Crater of volutes. Greek ceramics. High: 42cm

Crater of volutes. Greek ceramics. High: 42cm   We have expanded our collection of Greek ceramics with a few exceptional pieces that were inspired by ancient museum pieces. These pieces have impressive details and take you straight to the ancient Greece. For example this Crater of volutes which measures 42cm high. Here you can buy the piece: 

18th May - Day of the Museums






Almond tree


More than a complement


Aspect of the beauty


Bravery and courage


The Garden


15th April - Day of the Art


International Museum Day

On the International Museum Day, from Decorarconarte we want to join to this homage. What is a Museum? might ask a child. And from the innocence of a child we want to penetrate in the Why of these magnificent spaces which we can find in almost all the big cities. Located in some cases in beautiful buildings of architectural styles of the most varied, that do not leave indifferent the citizen of that city or the investigator and curious tourist. When we enter in one of these magnificent spaces whom we call museum, it is as if suddenly we are transported to another moment and another space in time. According to the imagination of everyone, we can imagine us the painter, the sculptor, the potter, the worker and in generally the artists, working to complete their works, which are still alive today. Some of the lives, trace of them, but who allow us to perceive the aroma of the splendor of these magnificent works; they did reality these giants of the Art and are part of our history and...

Maenad with sword and lamb. 67x50cm

Maenad with sword and lamb. 67x50cm   Of the maenad are several representations in relief which we can find in museums like the Prado or the British Museum, the Maenads are divine feminine beings which are closely related with the god Dionysus (Bacchus for the Romans), the god was supposedly originated by Thrace and Phrygia. The first maenads were the nymphs who were responsible for upbringing of Dionysus, and which were subsequently possessed by him, to inspired them a mystical madness. The Maenads contrast with the Bacchae or Bassarids, mortal women who emulate the maenads, participating in the orgiastic cult of Dionysus. In many sources the Maenads and the Bacchantes are synonymous, understanding that the Bacchae is the Latin meaning of maenad. Here for example, we have a polychromed bas-relief made in alabaster of a frenzied maenad who swings knife and with the rear part of a dismembered goat in his left hand. The piece is inspired in a Roman copy of a Greek original from t...

Egyptian relief. Table of foods. 66x44x3cm

Egyptian relief. Table of foods. 66x44x3cm   The food in the Ancient Egypt is known for the texts engraved on the walls of temples and tombs, and the remains of offerings to the dead, where were left numerous testimonies of their eating habits. The Egyptian funerary art, which depicts scenes of everyday life, provides a lot of information about the customs associated with the food. They are not found culinary recipes, although yes recipes for medications. It can be seen in the Ushabtis (statuettes of limestone or wood) representations of servants doing their jobs: preparing bread; grinding grain; serving beer and grilling poultry and other meats.

Scale model of Bell Tower Antica. Ø35x88cm

Visit our small architecture section   We offer a small but no less fascinating collection of stair models and dome buildings. Made in wood of cherry and birch with a finish in subtle shades of light and dark honey. Sinuous curves and arches of wood with a beautifully finish, add a fluid touch to private or corporate quarters. This is one of our new architectural model, the Model of the Belltower Antica. Michelangelo had several models made of the dome for the St. Peter during the time he worked on it. This piece was discovered in an attic and is newly restored, this type of models is now the main attraction of the Vatican Museum. Famous architects have made architectural models along the centuries to check the details in 3D and help his clients to understand the dimensional perspectives. Many renowned architects collect these models, not only for their exquisite workmanship but also for their value as decoration in homes and especially offices. Dimensions: Height: 87,5cm; Diam...

Julius Caesar. Polychromed statue. 64x21cm

Julius Caesar. Polychromed statue. 64x21cm   Have you ever wanted to surprise a guest with a sculpture, exposed in the entrance or in the living room, but it was something that you couldn't afford? Then it would be yours if you visit our section of classical busts , where we have a large collection of sculptures with a reasonable price. You can find for example pieces like this bust of Julius Caesar.

Torso of Hercules. 18x45x12cm

Torso of Hercules. 18x45x12cm   One of our most popular product is the torso of Hercules, which is why we offer it for less than the half price. The body of Hercules is since the ancient times an example to follow for the perfect male body. His lines reflect serenity, perfection and elegance.