Notes for the creation of a neoclassical garden. Nature and sculpture
Even today, in many of our cities, there are still public parks and gardens created in the neoclassical period and the romanticism of the 19th century, and they are true havens of peace and coexistence in the very heart of the agitation of the city. The union of nature with the works of art created by humans goes hand in hand with the history of human culture. We speak of gardens, open spaces, more or less ordered, or as in the case of romantic gardens, with the appearance of wild and spontaneous nature, although delicately studied. The spirit of this union between mother nature and the love of sculpture is also taken to more intimate spaces in private gardens, small plots, even terraces. The garden thus becomes a sort of natural-cultural art, a union of the beauty of nature and classical art, where sculptures and architectural elements coexist with trees, shrubs and plants of great beauty. This symbiosis is produced through various elements: ...