A love story in art. Cupid and Psyche

Classical art is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, not only for its forms and techniques but also for the stories it represents. One of the most popular and well-known is the story of Cupid and Psyche. A love story that dates back to ancient Greek mythology and has been depicted in various art forms, including sculptures. Introduction to Cupid and Psyche Cupid and Psyche is a love story between a god and a mortal. Cupid, also known as Eros in Greek mythology, is the god of love and attraction. Psyche, on the other hand, is a young mortal girl of unsurpassed beauty. The story tells how these two characters meet and face challenges before they live happily ever after. Cupid and Psyche : The Beginning Psyche's beauty was such that it caused mortals to compare her to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite, jealous, ordered her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a repulsive man. However, when Cupid saw Psyche, he fell madly in love with her and decided to marry her s...