Figure of God Pan in bronze 10 cm
Figure of God Pan in bronze 10 cm

This is a cast bronze figure, which represents the god Pan with his flute.
Pan was the demi-god of shepherds and flocks, in the Greek mythology. He was venerated especially in Arcadia, though it doesn't exist in this region large sanctuaries in his honor. In the Roman mythology, this God is identified with the Faun. This figure was made ​​in the lost wax process.

The lost wax process is a sculptural process of very old tradition, III century BC, which served to reproduce models of metal. These models are made ​​of a prototype, which can be made ​​of mud, clay, wood, wax, etc.
This previous model is surrounded by a thick layer of soft material, that hardens and when it is cured, the piece is reproduced in wax.
Then, the wax figure is coated with ceramic material and then placed in an oven where the wax can melt out in prepared holes and at whose spot can injected molten metal, which adopts the exact shape of the model.
To extract the finished piece, it is necessary to destroy the mold. Thanks to this casting technique it is possible to obtain plastic figures in metal with such details, which would be impossible to achieve by other means.



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