Sculptures in the decoration of gardens and terraces

The good weather is approaching and we all need to start feeling the sun and fresh air. It's time to start thinking about the decoration of gardens and terraces. 
Romantic decorations, classic decorations, stately decorations, oriental decorations, intimate decorations... all of them lend themselves to include some sculptures as a significant element, but of course, make a good choose in the quality and the completion to create the perfect aesthetic environment. Don't try to use cement sculptures with bad definitions and rude finishes. 
The classical sculptures can be placed between the hedges and trees, on pedestals or at the ground, next to pools or artificial ponds, on stairs or in corners. In any space, announcing itself far away or surprising us when we are passing, it is possible to hide the sculpture of some friendly god next to a reading bench under the shade of a weeping willow, which spills over the statue of an Apollo or a Venus.When we are designing a garden, always we express something hidden and beautiful of ourselves.


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