Bas-relief "Eos in her Chariot". 141x73cm

The relief of "Eos in her Chariot" of Hellenistic style is a reproduction of a bas-relief, which is located in the Museum of Lisbon, Portugal. The original was dated in the 1st century BC. This relief shows Eos driving her chariot with her lover (Tithonus or Cephalus) is at the heads of the horses. Reproduction made in reconstituted marble. Height: 73cm; Width: 141cm; Depth: 9cm.
Bas-relief "Eos in her Chariot". 141x73cm
It is a neo-attic relief which was dated in the first century before Christ, but which is a replica of a prototype of the fourth century. Fragments of a twin relief can be seen in the House of Télefo in Herculaneum.
Aurora or Eos, the dawn goddess, usually depicted in a two-horse chariot (biga) drawn by Lampos and Phaeton (Shiner and Bright), was the sister of Helios (the Sun), who she carried each day into the Heavens. From the fifth century she was often depicted pursuing or carrying off Cephalus or Tithonus, her lovers. According to Homer, her son Memnon was killed by Achilles in the Trojan war; the morning dew is said to be the tears she shed for him.

Here you can get this relief.


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